How Do Logistics Processes Reflect on Your Customer Satisfaction?
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Logistics processes, by following all the innovations that are developing day by day; should transfer these innovations to its own system, mission and vision. The purpose is; To meet the needs of customers, to provide customer satisfaction, at the same time to maximize the profitability of the business.
Logistics processes , by following all the innovations that are developing day by day; should transfer these innovations to its own system, mission and vision. The purpose is; To meet the needs of customers, to provide customer satisfaction, at the same time to maximize the profitability of the business.
It is thought that the element of logistics processes provides an important benefit in ensuring customer satisfaction and reducing costs . In addition to making more profit in terms of reducing costs, it requires struggling with the increasing competition and the conditions that increase its effect with technology.
Many corporate companies in the logistics sector provide similar services. Along with their sales aspects, they attract customers with the services they provide. The main thing here is to make the customer feel it by succeeding in being different in the logistics industry, where all services are similar to each other. Customers prefer companies that produce solutions rather than those that cause problems. In this preference, they are looking for a cooperation that will last for years. It is very important for a positive or negative business to reach the result in every way and to provide feedback to the customer about every detail.
Logistics processes ; It is included in the definition of the right place in marketing. Because the product that the customer wants to be satisfied; He should have it wherever and whenever he wants. The concept of the right place; It is provided as a result of the order delivered on time and with high customer service.
Logistics Processes Customer Satisfaction
Companies that successfully carry out the logistics process process should pay attention to some points in ensuring customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. These points are:
- Customer happiness,
- Creating loyal customers
- Time,
- No stock problems.
Today, we see that the customer has a say. Since there are many alternatives for customers, you need to offer more suitable options than your other competitors as well as make your own product popular. At this point, manufacturing industries have integrated the concept of logistics processes into their service understanding. In the logistics processes part, some ways are observed to understand customer satisfaction. These routes include:
- customer visits,
- complaints management,
- customer satisfaction survey,
- Information meetings.
How can the satisfaction of the customers within the company be ensured? to the question; while many firms do not respond, the firm with less rate; They gave similar answers to the feeling of privilege provided to the customers and keeping the motivation high with morale.
Logistics Processes Operation
To plan logistics processes correctly; It is a strategic element that positively affects all business functions, starting from customer satisfaction and extending to increasing the level of profit. Therefore, it is important that logistics operation planning studies are carried out completely and accurately.
The concept of logistics only; It does not mean that a certain amount of goods are transported from the main point to the destination point. This process is also; It also includes all the mobility inside. It is possible to evaluate many processes such as storage , security, shipment, purchasing, payment, invoicing within the scope of logistics operation planning.
How is Logistics Operation Planning Made?
While creating the logistics operation strategy ; You may have to use one or more of the logistics types at the same time. Selections can be made between railway, air, land and sea logistics types in line with the needs of the company. A few questions to help make the right decision; It will help you with your business strategy. Some of these questions are listed below:
- Do the delivery legs in the logistics operation have a coastline?
- Are the delivery feet in the logistics operation within the railway network?
- Are there geographical or seasonal difficulties involving the overland transportation process where the delivery legs in the logistics operation are located?
- Is there airway access at the delivery feet in the logistics operation?
- Is the delivery time long or short?
- What are the features of the product or products to be delivered, such as size, weight, dimension?
- Deterioration, fragility, etc. of the products to be delivered. Does it have sensitive features?
After answering all these questions, you can get professional support for the elements you are missing. You can get detailed information by clicking here .