Digital Revolution in Export
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The fact that technological developments become important in shaping human life requires adapting to technology and what it brings. It is wise for businesses interested in trading to take advantage of the possibilities offered by technology to increase their earnings and reach more markets and customers.
The fact that technological developments become important in shaping human life requires adapting to technology and what it brings. It is wise for businesses interested in trading to take advantage of the possibilities offered by technology to increase their earnings and reach more markets and customers. Another factor shaped in line with digital transformation is exports. The digital revolution in exports , which is supported by artificial intelligence technology and has great returns for the country's economy, is introduced by the Ministry of Commerce.
Easy Export Platform , which is seen as a digital revolution in exports, stands out with its many modules and has set out with the aim of providing qualified service to traders by adapting to the dynamics of today's digital age. It aims to reach entrepreneurs who develop export-oriented projects as well as the services it provides to businesses that make digital exports. The digital revolution, which brought many firsts, is the beginning of a new era in the field of foreign trade .
Digital Revolution with K-event Export Platform
The digital revolution, implemented in 2020, is a software project developed to guide businesses that operate or want to show business in the field of foreign trade. The project, named “Easy Export Platform”, provides entrepreneurs who export or want to export to the portal with an e-government password and offers more comprehensive and detailed analyzes with its software that works with artificial intelligence technology.
With the project, which is not only focused on Turkey, it is also aimed that the importers abroad reach the enterprises in Turkey. Businesses have the opportunity to display their products and communicate with importers by opening a page of their own on the platform. One of the desired results to be achieved with the platform is that exporters have sufficient knowledge to open up to the target market and stay in the market for a long time with various marketing strategies. The digital revolution contributes to both their own businesses and the country's economy by supporting the growth of foreign trade volume and increasing the online sales of exporters.
The digital revolution, which provides detailed information about the determined target market, acts as a guide for the export sector, customs tax rates and current developments should be followed in addition to analyzing the statistics of competitors. Mandatory documents for export , criteria and legislation required to enter the market, current news from the sector and fairs to be held are delivered to users with the digital revolution export platform.
Easy Export Platform Features
There are 8 different modules in total in this platform. To summarize these modules are as follows:
- Export Cockpit: The general situation of the exports, the change according to the months and the exported countries are examined here.
- Smart Export Robot: In addition to offering sector-specific product and market suggestions, country and sector-based reports are prepared.
- Market Entry Map: With the opportunity to analyze the situation of the product you will export in the target country, you can access bilateral agreements between countries, competitor analysis, list of potential importers, customs duties and terms.
- Sectors: You can view the status of the sectors you are exporting or will be doing in Turkey and globally, the trends affecting the sector and the countries with high potential.
- Countries: Provides access to import and export charts of the countries to be sold, products with import potential, bilateral agreements and country agenda.
- Training: With the training content on the platform, you can have the competencies that will distinguish you from your competitors, you can test your knowledge and get a Ministry-approved certificate when you want.
- Foreign Trade Legislation: You can examine what kind of obligations and taxation you will be subject to while exporting here.
- Information Pool: It is the module where you can follow the export regulations of the countries, where the current news and events from the sector are included.