Carbon Footprint and Green Logistics
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The carbon footprint indicates the total amount of greenhouse gases produced by the petroleum fuels, transportation vehicles, electricity and wastes we use today. These gases, which are formed directly or indirectly by human activities, pose a serious ecological danger.
The carbon footprint refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases produced by the petroleum fuels, transportation vehicles, electricity and waste we use today. These gases, which are formed directly or indirectly by human activities, pose a serious ecological danger. In addition to our individual awareness and measures in order to protect nature, large companies that cause high greenhouse gas emissions need to reach the same awareness. As an example of the sectors that create the most carbon footprints; We can count transportation, logistics, food and fashion sectors.
The logistics industry, with a global carbon footprint of 40% in 2020, actually shows how important green logistics policies are. Today, the need and demand for the logistics industry is increasing day by day. This, in turn, continues to increase the amount of carbon footprint due to factors such as electricity, raw materials and transportation vehicles that are frequently used in the sector. With green logistics , it is aimed to minimize the carbon footprint and ecological damage.
Carbon Footprint Calculation
Carbon footprint is divided into two categories as primary footprint and secondary footprint;
- Primary Footprint: It is the sum of the direct greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.
- Secondary Footprint: The total of indirect emissions of greenhouse gases over the life cycle of products consumed by a person or an entity.
Carbon footprint calculation is done by not only CO2 emissions but also emissions of other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide. Regardless of the person or institution, we should have a carbon footprint calculation done and then take measures to protect our environment and our future. If we transform our micro-environment first, we should not forget that this will affect and transform our macro-environment over time.
How is Green Logistics Done?
First of all, it is necessary to realize the role and importance of the logistics industry in creating an environmentally friendly and carbon-free environment. With the changes and transformations to be made in this sector, which has reached a serious carbon footprint rate of 40% globally, it is possible to reduce this rate considerably. Companies that are aware of this issue adopt the green logistics policy by taking many steps as an example to their competitors. The institutional transformations mentioned here may not take place in a short time due to reasons such as insufficient financial means. Therefore, instead of taking no steps, the ecological awareness process can be started with the changes made on a smaller scale as the first step.
How about the transformation of logistics companies to green logistics? First, we can categorize this transformation. For example;
- Storage Strategies: Space saving projects offered by industrial and graphic designers can be used in storage processes. For example, let's take a product box designed as a pentagon. When you place these product boxes in square or rectangular boxes during transportation, there will be a lot of space inside the box and this will result in the need for more parcels and transportation.
- Transportation: Sea and railways can be preferred rather than transportation routes such as air and road used by vehicles that cause greenhouse gas emissions.
- Packaging: Packaging products made of highly biodegradable materials can be used, and recycled and biodegradable plastics can be preferred when plastic is needed.
Logistics companies that want to start green logistics but cannot financially support an advanced transformation can implement the above-mentioned green logistics ideas that both reduce costs and contribute to the reduction of carbon footprint .